Monday, November 14, 2005

Critical Mass: Do Two Rites Make a Wrong?

This post from Musica Sacra confirms what this writer has known for years -- that opposition to the more liberal use of the classical Roman Missal (the 1962 Missale Romanum, or "the Tridentine Mass") originates within the Roman Curia itself: "[I]n August 2005 a document was prepared in the Roman Curia aimed at preventing a more widespread use of the 'old' Roman Missal... The text is said to have been prepared last August by the Congregation for Divine Worship..."

This weblog is the product of The Church Music Association of America (CMAA). There more good stuff here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Curia opposes the use of the old rite because i)the new rite is an entirely curial product, ii) preferring the old rite thus implicitly criticizes the work of Roman curialists, iii) this criticism is made more painful by the fact that it is merited, both from the point of view of shortcomings in the new rite itself and from the point of view of the way in which the new rite was developed and introduced (liturgical changes should be organic developments, which the new rite was not, and should not just be drawn up and enforced by a committee in Rome), and iv) the shortcomings in the new rite and in its manner of introduction contributed to the corruption or abandonment of faith by many, many Catholics. I don't think we will see substantial improvements in the Latin liturgy until the generation of clerics who were involved in its vandalisation after the council has retired from the scene.