Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So I defend Big Bird’s honor, and this is what happens ...

This past Sunday, a well-placed "tweet" by this writer was featured at the political blog known as Hot Air, originally founded by syndicated columnist Michell Malkin, before she sold it to Townhall.

@EdMorrissey @michellemalkin #obama campaign still using #bigbird tv ad, #snl, at 12:07am edt. still keeping it classy, huh, guys? #debates

It is one of a number of diverse political sites that I read, not only because of its witty commentary and reparteé, but because it links to articles that are not necessarily "conservative." From this entry I got a spike in my readership which couldn't possibly last forever, and four new followers to my Twitter account. So I want to welcome readers of the site to this part of the World Wide Web. Be advised that this is a weblog for people who don't (necessarily) read weblogs. As we tell everybody here, stay tuned, and stay in touch!

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