Saturday, February 28, 2004

A Movie That Needs No Introduction

Really. The Passion of the Christ does not open with credits, titles, or any of that stuff. Just goes right into the Garden of Olives. We learn early on what Jesus may have meant when he said to Peter, James, and John: "Pray that you do not be put to the test." We see Jesus, not being comforted by an angel, but tormented by some androgynous Marilyn Manson-wannabe with a snake under his cloak. The scourging scene is the hardest part to watch. That, and the nailing to the cross. The rest truly captures the madness to which Jerusalem had fallen on that dark Friday.

The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary is played out as never before on film. Accompanied by Mary of Magdela and John, she suffers along with her Son, to the point of wishing out loud to die with him. What mother could not see herself in that way?

There is so much more to say, and others have already said it. But I can only say, that after seeing The Passion of the Christ, no other production on the life of Our Lord, be it Cecil DeMille or Franco Zefferelli, will ever look quite the same again.

After it was over, "Sally" and I went quietly to my parish, where the Blessed Sacrament was exposed throughout the night in the Adoration Chapel. There, we prayed Psalm 91, read a reflection by Adrianne von Speyr (sp?), and then sat quietly, each with our own thoughts and prayers.

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