Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Week

Father Martin Fox over at Bonfire of the Vanities (THE place to go if you wanna know what a parish priest does all day) put it best: "If there's some special project you really think your pastor, or your parish music director, needs to get on board with, this week and next might not be the time to bring it to them...."

As a bit player in the so-called "Catholic blogosphere," this is the week to set aside the usual nonsense, which I will likely do come Wednesday.

I have always taken of on Good Friday. I used to take off Holy Thursday too, but not in recent years. For the last decade or so, my routine for the Paschal Feast has been fairly consistent. More on that this coming "Spy Wednesday."

Meanwhile, this is the moment to remember what happened exactly two years ago today.

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