"Many scholars today believe..." is the standard pseudo-intellectual opening for debunking anything long held dear, and the method of choice for the rhetorically-challenged. After all, there is little intellectual rigor involved in tearing down a case, as opposed to building one. (We cannot help but notice, for example, how the same holds true for, well, buildings!) So one may employ this method at a parish "adult education" lecture, and still come off sounding like an expert. You don't really need to be an expert, though, merely one step ahead of your audience. You can even affirm that Jesus Christ never intended to found a Church, even though most of the written evidence we have, in living rooms and on hotel nightstands everywhere, suggests that He most certainly did.
Besides, if He didn't, why the hell are we sitting in a church hall on a weeknight listening to this bozo, when we could be home watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond?
Copyright 2001 King World Studios West Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used without shame, to say nothing of permission.
Me, I'd sooner stay at home and read a good book. What better way to actually know what you're talking about?
But hey, maybe that's just me.
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