Tuesday, September 10, 2002

(Yet Another) Memo to James Post, President of VOTF:

Has it occured to you that your detractors have no need to fabricate anything in order to counter you? That is usually the result of your failure to think through your own line of reasoning. Witness the following from that "local call" I suggested you make. You may also wish to inform Mr Gilmore and Ms Novak, that reading the VOTF website and reviewing its endless stream of position statements does not make its detractors "uninformed." Quite the opposite, in fact. We are dismayed, occasionally amused, but hardly "afraid."

In the meantime, Mr Post, you might wish to consider that it is YOU who are uninformed. This is not difficult to imagine, when you insist on surrounding yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear, and on ignoring the ones who do not.

You know where to find us.

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