Thursday, December 26, 2002

The Seattle Chronicles: Day Four

"The wren, the wren, the king of all birds, Saint Stephen's Day, went out in the forest..."

Today is Boxing Day in Canada and Great Britain. For me, it was a day for some serious thrift store action. I hit the big Goodwill place near downtown, then got wind of a most excellent Value Village in Capital Hill. The highlights include a trenchcoat that reverses from olive/tan to dark blue, so it's like two coats in one, for those times when you need an overcoat that goes with everything. I also got another pair of Western boots, just right for steppin' out dancin'!

Tonight my cousin Theresa made us all salmon for dinner. I got to watch "Ice Age" with her daughter (excellent piece of animation), and I got to play in the new tent that fits over the bed of her little three-year old. We talked about camping for real some day. For all the looking around I'm doing, looking at the sights and all, I've spent more time with family than I expected. They've been great. The last time I saw some of them, they were not much older than their children are now. The years have melted away.

There was a moment when I thought of home. I got a little misty-eyed about it. But not for long. I want to visit the Cascades this weekend, but I've been warned about going through "the Pass." What's up with that anyway? Tomorrow, a visit to a local Catholic celebrity. Then it's off to find a new black hat. After all, what would I be without one? I'd be "man without black hat." I'd have to change my site and e-mail address. I'm sorry, it's just not worth it.

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