Monday Ad Random
At least two stories are in preparation for this week. I won't jinx them by telling you the subjects, but they have been in the blogosphere for the past two weeks, and I wanted to wait until the surrounding buzz was behind us (or everyone got good and tired of hearing about it) before making my own contribution.
Meanwhile, Bill Cork, author of the weblog with the ever-changing name, has a reference to two articles about the "Catholic city" of Ave Maria, Florida. Of course, this weblog has already weighed in, both on the collegiate controversy in general ("Hail Mary, Incorporated") and the town itself ("Hail Mary Revisited").
In all humility, anyone with an interest in the town should really see what I've written about it, if only because you won't find this angle on the story anywhere else.
Seriously. For once I may have gotten there first.
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