Sunday, March 19, 2006

Not just your average Joe! (from an entry for this day in 2004)

"Today is the Feast of Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, and foster father of Jesus. As a solemnity (first-class feast) of the liturgical year having fallen on a Friday, the usual requirement of abstinence from meat is dispensed for this day..."

That last tidbit might answer a couple of queries from readers of a few days ago. Obviously, this observance is superseded by the Third Sunday of Lent. But that should not deter the sons of Italy (and daughters too!) from remembering their beloved patron. To all of you (including my beloved bishop, Paul S Loverde), a special tip of the Black Hat. Ciao, kids!

(UPDATE: Another hat tip goes out to Jeff "The Curt Jester" Miller, for reminding us that the feast -- a solemnity, actually, or first class feast for you die-hards of the old school -- transfers to a Monday observance this year. As an example to fathers and carpenters everywhere, old Joe could go for a two-day soiree now and then!)

1 comment:

Jeff Miller said...

The feast of St. Joseph is tranferred to Monday this year.