"I want to believe." Hey, don't we all want to believe in something?
We are reminded once a year, that the whole of human history turns on a little child, born in a cave in the midst of winter. That reminder is once again drawing upon us, giving us a reason to believe.
mwbh will not be shutting down completely for the holidays, but will be in "low-maintenance" mode for the weekend. Tomorrow the family back in Ohio will be coverging for the celebration. I'll be there in spirit. Christmas Eve will find me and Sal getting with friends for dinner, then it's on to the Cathedral for Midnight Mass. We'll exchange gifts the next day, then maybe see a movie. The coming week will be devoted to household duties, as well as some writing.
Till then, stay tuned, and stay in touch.
Houston, we have a picture of David back on the blog!
Have a very Merry Christmas, David, and all the best in the New Year. Thanks for your blog! Regards from Canada, Patricia Gonzalez
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