Friday, April 20, 2012

Where did all the “church chat” go lately?

First of all, that's not all we talk about here at the Black Hat Corral.

As many Catholics are aware, discussions between the Holy See and the separatist-traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) are nearing an accord. This has prompted a discussion at a group blog of Cincinnatians, and those in exile, namely Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber, where the intellectual superiority of yours truly has already been ably demonstrated.

No, we never said we were humble.

1 comment:

Terry Carroll said...


Long time no talk. We should correct that! just launched a new "radio venture" at BlogTalkRadio and our first program, in light of the possible reconciliation of the SSPX with Rome, was very well received by the SSPX and pretty much ignored by everyone else (the show has been downloaded over a thousand times to date, and it's been less than a week!). Any thoughts?

And let's correct our "radio silence" soon!

Terry Carroll