Thursday, August 12, 2004

From Our Bulging "Who Woulda Thought?" Files:

SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- The California Supreme Court on Thursday voided the nearly 4,000 same-sex marriages sanctioned in San Francisco this year and ruled unanimously that the mayor overstepped his authority by issuing licenses to gay and lesbian couples.

"The court said the city violated the law when it issued the certificates, since both legislation and a voter-approved measure defined marriage as a union between a man and woman.

"The justices separately decided with a 5-2 vote to nullify the 3,995 marriages peformed between February 12 and March 11, when the court halted the weddings. Their legality, Justice Joyce Kennard wrote, must wait until courts resolve the constitutionality of state laws that restrict marriages to opposite-sex couples."

The report includes the usual what-about-me-me-me whining, from those who went marching up to the courthouse without thinking through to the consequences, and who wouldn't have changed anything they were doing anyway.

in an orderly society, you just don't go around changing laws for something this basic without running headlong into a host of other problems. Most people are not about to resort to the anarchist approach of changing law by breaking the law. You can't expect to inspire support for an institution that you've just spent your entire life trying to destroy.

Unless you're one of the bozos affected by this ruling.

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