Sunday, May 22, 2005

"Great day in the morning!"

Today the Church celebrates Trinity Sunday. At some point, "Don Jim" Tucker will post his usual thought-provoking homily for the most recent Sunday. I suggest taking a look at Dappled Things when you get a chance.

Last Tuesday was my sister Mary's birthday; today is my brother Stephen's. No, they're not near-identical twins, but are about a year apart. A tip of the Black Hat to both.

Meanwhile, this is a beautiful day in DC, and everybody is out enjoying it but me. I'm slaving over a hot computer right now on a number of things. But last night Sal and I hit my favorite local roadhouse, The Surf Club, where we had Sean Ardoin and ZydeKool in the house. The place was packed, and they delivered the goods!

Now then, where was I?

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