...as some of the Feds in DC are getting early dismissal, so we can all clog the highways a little early for the official start of summer this year. Meanwhile, here's a lean Marine every girl will wanna snuggle up next to for a night at the movies:
The following is a chronology of me watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. All times are approximate.Semper fi.
Movie Start minus 3 minutes, 23 seconds — Why is there a commercial for "Joey" before the movie? Is that show still on? If so, why?
MS-2:09 — Another television ad, this time for a DVD set of "Will and Grace." I like movie previews, but what's with the TV ads? Man, that Jack guy is annoying. He's kind of a Stepin Fetchit for the gays.
MS+1:04 — Finally, the movie is starting. I forget, what was the original Bridget Jones about? All I remember is her kicking drug dealers' butts and wearing a big afro. Oh, wait...that was "Cleopatra Jones."
MS+10:58 — Already bored. Not a good sign...
Full disclosure: I would have to ask my wife before I snuggled with anyone else.
I work for the Feds. How come I haven't been dismissed yet??
I was talking about your wife, Eric. Who did you think I meant? I believe early dismissal depends on duty station. I'm in the middle of DC. Besides, someone has to stay and turn out the lights.
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