Monday, February 25, 2008

Moving Day

I had just gotten over a cold or flu or whatever it was, and our office has been told that its renovation is imminent.

We moved into this space back in 1990. Since then, the network could use a serious upgrade. Our individual workspaces could be a little larger and more efficient, and the common-use area needs to be more spacious. The previous "experts" didn't know jack about planning space for a commercial studio. But we finally got the right people's attention.

So I've spent the last three or four days packing away books, software, and other equipment. I found personnel records dating back fifteen years, back when this place wasn't exactly a Garden of Eden. It's funny to look back on all that now, knowing it could never happen again. Closer to the present, today I take down the computer. For two weeks starting tomorrow, I'll be working from home. That's when I cough up the funds for a combination copier/printer/scanner for the home. A colleague recommended them, and they're quite affordable now. It will be nice to finally have a printer in the house.

Meanwhile, I'm slightly behind the eight-ball here, so...

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