Tuesday, January 22, 2013

“We don’t call it ‘choice’ anymore, we call it ...”

Actually, they haven't decided yet.

Somewhere I read that one leader of the pro-abortion movement -- hey, around here, we call it what it is, okay? -- wants to get away from the use of the word "choice" when referring to abortion. It is not clear what term would be used to replace it. What is clear, at least according to TIME magazine, is that ...

... [t]he President's campaign mobilized Democratic voters and women around the issue of reproductive rights -- an effort that produced, according to some exit polls, the widest gender voting gap in history. But while the right to have an abortion is federal law, exactly who can access the service and under what circumstances is the purview of states. And at the state level, abortion-rights activists are unequivocally losing.

Forty years ago today, a decision of the Supreme Court, based on the testimony of a woman who later admitted to fabricating said testimony, became the "law of the land." And yet, even retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, long considered to be ambiguous on the matter of abortion, has conceded that Roe v Wade is "bad law." At some point, medical advances make the safe delivery of a premature fetus more of a possibility. Change the circumstances only slightly, and that child can be killed either in the womb by any one of several methods too horrible to contemplate, or just emerging from the womb, through partial-birth abortion, which even the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan labeled as "infanticide." What we have then, is a house of cards, one that will eventually fall of its own weight.

Jill Stanek has introduced yet again the annual “Ask Them What They Mean When They Say ‘Choice’ Day.” The campaign resorts to Facebook and other social media. I have to admit to a few friends who favor the legalization of "a woman's right to choose" what to do with what is ostensibly her own body, apparently with no other bodies involved, an ironic stance when you consider that, in most cases, this prerogative is the result of the loss of control of one's body; that is to say, the form of birth control of last resort. If they are reading this, I cannot hope that anything here will dissuade them, but I would ask them one thing, and one thing only.

If your mother wanted to abort you, and you could talk her out of it, what would you say?


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