Sunday, January 16, 2011


The term "epiphany" is from the Greek noun "epiphaneia," which means "manifestation," and the verb "epiphainesthai," which means "to appear." Our mother the Church traditionally associates the period after Christmastide, and before the great penance of Lent, to the gospel accounts of Christ making Himself known to man. It is unfortunate that the official liturgical reforms eliminated a distinct season devoted to the Manifestation. In a recent work quoting from the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, New Theological Movement elaborates.

There are three events which are central to this manifestation. The first is that of the appearance of the wise men (traditionally numbered at three, although this is not definitive), which the West remembers on the sixth of January. It is here that Christ is made known to the Gentiles. The second is the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, which is celebrated as the Epiphany (Theophany) in the Eastern churches, thus being announced by the Father as "my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." The third is remembered on the traditional Roman calendar today, that of the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, where Christ performed his first public miracle.

In this video, we see the Ethiopian Church celebrate this miracle with a major feast of its own.

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