Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shriver Revisited

Sargent Shriver's funeral was last Saturday at his home parish, Our Lady of Mercy in Potomac, Maryland. Speaking of mercy, the congregation was not spared any if they had to listen to Bono sing "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace." They managed to provide the clip over at Creative Minority Report; I'll have that dirge buzzing in my head for the rest of the day as it is. The least they could have done was use me on guitar. That other guy was little more than window dressing.

In his defense (which he'll need after having to listen to that drivel), Bono did better justice to the memory of the deceased, in what he wrote for The New York Times. Meanwhile, my friend "Rooster Cogburn" passed this along over the weekend.

Tom Storck says that for several years in America we had a run of liberal bishops. Now we seem to be getting a run of conservative bishops. He hopes one day before long we get some Catholic bishops. Like Dorothy Day, Sarge was a Catholic, who took seriously the Church's social teaching.

I'm not sure that teaching requires the government's involvement, so much as our own. Mr Shriver had to have known that. I am not as sure as any of his friends did, or his children, or anyone he ever worked with while in public office ...

Also provided were obits from The Los Angeles Times, and The Atlantic.

And so it goes.

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