Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Sound Premise

People want to know how I win nearly all of my arguments. I have been blessed with such distinction in e-mail discussions for over fifteen years, and some have wondered about my secret. It is very simple: Your position must begin with a sound premise, something verifiable, something that can be proved. If someone begins an argument with "Well, I'm sorry, but I just feel like ..." well, then, "sorry" is only the beginning, and will prove to be their ultimate downfall.

Marilyn Horowitz explains how a Socratic method would apply to the writing of a script. The author of "How to Write a Screenplay in 10 Weeks" and creator of The Horowitz System™, she is an award-winning university teacher, a producer, a screenwriter, a script consultant and a successful writing coach. Her students include published novelists, screenwriters and award-winning filmmakers. Her website is: www.ScreenplayClass.com.

(H/T to Stephen Heiner for locating the above illustration.)

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