But did you know that I have never, EVER been asked to serve as someone's sponsor for RCIA?
Geez, I can talk about religion at a party and people think I have a masters in theology or something. (Are you kidding? I work for a living.) Famous people get on national television and mistake me for a deacon. (It's not my fault. Really.) It boggles the mind.
There's more. I've never been asked to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Wait, I take that back. I was made one once, twenty years ago at the parish in Georgetown where I was a sacristan. It was mostly to coincide with my regular duties, as I was not expected to actually be one. Occasionally I'd get asked to do so provisionally -- like I always say, never argue with an archbishop from out of town when you're his emcee -- as in just for the occasion. Not that I'm chomping at the bit for a task which I believe should be practically eliminated anyway. (So does Rome, but no one's listening.)
Okay, that's two things. There is also a third, but not even I can guess what it is.
UPDATE: Oh wait, I remember now. I've never been asked to serve on ... (click here)
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