Wednesday, February 16, 2005


The other day, after a brief introduction to the blogosphere, the author of [enter site name here] took it down, following the predictable backlash. After the dust settled, I took a closer look at his "parent site," Fides, Spes, Caritas. There's some pretty good stuff there, actually. At present, I think it gets lost in the commentary on how people say the AIDS is God's way of punishing gays. Actually, AIDS is merely the consequences of some people's actions, one of the by-products of free will. As Catholics, we are taught that God respects our right to exercise free will, for better or for worse. There's more to say here, but that's the short version.

Anyway, there's still some interesting stuff on this gentleman's site, and I think it's worth an occasional gander. He has a grandparent in intensive care right now, having already lost the other one to Parkinson's. That's a lot to handle, without having to take on the Catholic blogosphere, thus the removal of the other site.

I think everybody at St Blog's should light a candle for this guy. We're all good sports here, right?

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