Be that as it may, here at mwbh, our Standards and Practices Department is taking the matter under advisement. Somebody around here is going to have to subscribe so that we can complain to them with a clear conscience. Until that miracle occurs, let's see what else is happening on Planet Earth (and for this week, beyond):
• The internet has inspired a bidding war in Malaysia -- on license plates. If you want "WWW" with your lucky number after it, you'd better hurry. (AP)
• Who said machines didn't have feelings? The Mars Rover probe wants to prove it is not afraid of its own shadow, so it took a picture. (AP)
• And speaking of being out of this world, a small asteroid is flying past Earth today at about 8,700 miles above the surface, which is inside the orbit of geosynchronous satellites. Just in time for the Year of the Apocalypse. (

And that's all the news that fits. As (what's left of) the week goes on, stay tuned, and stay in touch.
1 comment:
re: Lego tires. I think there may be about 1,000,000 in my house alone. And perhaps a few still lodge in a few digestive tracks. Not only are they not hard to spot - they're not hard to feel when you step on one in the middle of the night.
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