She faithfully kept Her watch
Consoled by Saint John e'er so softly,
And from the Cross itself
He bent down,
To give us a Mother of Mercy.
It was as if it was
not enough to bear the Cross
That sinners wretched He might redeem,
More generous still,
He bent down
To endow us with the fairest Queen.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels, and Queen of all men,
Queen of Priests and Holy Souls awaiting,
Mistress to the pleading child in need,
Mother of Mercy: sweet succoring.
O Mother most merciful, Mother of compassion,
Ark of Salvation, Gate of Heaven,
Refuge of sinners and those in despair,
To Thee we fly, unto Thy leaven.
O Mother most sweet, most radiant, O Mother of mothers!
Mother most pure, Mother most dear,
Thee do we entreat sending up our sighs,
As Thou bendest to blot every tear.
O Mother most tender, most mild, O Mother of Mercy!
Masterpiece of God's holy design,
Font of all graces, Thine to dispense,
To the humble, repentant, uncondign.
'Neath the foot of our crosses, Thou maintains Thy watch,
That Thy servants persevere e'er fast,
'Til from Cherubimed Throne He bends down,
And with Thee, welcomes us home at last.
- Pauly Fongemie
(IMAGE: “Sal” being properly feted for Mother’s Day, while sporting this writer's new Panama hat.)
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