Monday, April 21, 2014

“I read the news today, oh boy ...” (Easter Monday Edition)

Here's wishing you a Happy Easter, Passover, Earth Day, Patriots' Day, Take Your Kid To Work Day, Record Store Day and If You Feel Like A Room Without A Roof Day! Somewhere in all of that there MUST have been some actual news ... and Uncle Jay is finally, after yet another long and unscheduled hiatus, here to explain it!

Meanwhile, elsewhere on planet Earth:

A lost child was found recently who was hiding in plain sight. You have to wonder what took them so long. [WOWT-TV]

Another sports celebrity has made the courageous decision to confess to their sexual orientation. Either that or she just needs the attention. Or something. [The Daily Currant]

A boy from Santa Clara, California, got a real bargain for a flight to Hawai'i, and he didn't even have to fly coach. [Reuters]

Do Americans ever wonder what the rest of the world finds a bit odd about them? Probably not, because everybody wants to come live in America, not the other way around. Be that as it may ... [Tickld]

Finally, if satellite photography can determine that “even the hairs of your head are all numbered” (Luke 12:7), then it was only a matter of time before that which has eluded the Scots for centuries was finally found. Probably. [Independent Journal Review]

And that's all the news that fits. As the week goes on, stay tuned, and stay in touch.

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