Saturday, August 10, 2002

VOTF: The Real Deal!

(Composed while on the road...)

Chris Hart has posted this letter from Deal Hudson of Crisis Magazine, which, as promised earlier, "gives the low-down with the VOTF." Hudson's account is, for the most part, an accurate portrayal of what occured at the VOTF message board. Any monitor of that board who says otherwise is either a liar or a fool. Probably both.

I know. @#$%&!, I was THERE!!!

The report could have gone farther, though, showing the connection between the philosophy of SIECUS, and that of the National Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), an organization supported in its early years by one Father Paul Shanley. VOTF could have hired Shanley to speak, and cut down on the overhead.

I will add one other provision as well. Mr Hudson, if you're reading this, not all the board monitors wanted to squelch orthodox opinion. At least one, who shall remain nameless, put their participation on the line to ensure that our voices could be heard. However, that brave soul was ultimately overruled by the status-quo. (I was there for that, too.)

So, Dr Muller... now that you got to pose for TIME Magazine before handing over the top job to someone else, what's next?

A trip to Disney World?

(Speaking the Truth in Love -- that's me, folks!)

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