Thursday, February 27, 2014

Loose Lips in the Loggia (Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Edition)

Shown here are scenes from a movie coming to theaters on May 9, which will prove once and for all (if in a very subtle way) that the Catholic Church is the One True Church, founded by Christ Himself, outside of which none can be saved. More on this one next Wednesday. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here's what's bouncing around the bandwidth of Believers lately:

Taylor Marshall visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and reports: “I am back from Mexico and I feel like a new man. Just ask Joy, my wife.” Like the Doctor says: “Stay salty, my friends.” [Taylor Marshall]

Chronic über-trad and editor of The Remnant, Michael Matt says he's with Jimmy Fallon on the matter of irreverence in the celebration of Holy Mass. It only took him two and a half years after the interview in question to tell us about it. Atta boy, Mickey! [The Remnant]

Catholic funerals do not allow for eulogies during the Mass or the Ritual, at least technically. Some bishops are starting to crack down. In the Excruciatingly Orthodox Diocese of Arlington, they already have -- except for priests and really really important people. [WDTPRS/Father Z's Blog]

The Bishop of St Petersburg, Florida, the Most Reverend Robert Lynch, is having another attack of foot-in-mouth disease. Until science finds a cure, here's what he says (rather badly, we should add) about the "sensus fidelium." Of course, who am I to judge? []

The White House isn't the only one to make a good use of a crisis. Father Robert Barron chose the rioting in Ukraine, and priests standing in the line of fire to keep the peace, as a case for a celibate priesthood. Unfortunately ... [Fear Not Little Flock]

... someone forgot to inform the good Father that the priest in the photo is, in fact, married, with a wife and a boatload of kids. They have those in the Eastern Churches, you know, and the roof doesn't fall in. Smooth move, Padre! (We note that the offending article has since been removed. The point is, he should have known better to begin with, as his commentary was theologically problematic at best.) [St Sophia's Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church]

Well, that's our story and we're stickin' to it. Remember to attend Holy Mass this Sunday. Until the next chattel of church chat, stay tuned, and stay in touch.

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