(Romans 15:4)
Brethren: Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. R. Thanks be to God.
V. O Lord, hear our prayer.
R. And let our cry come unto Thee.
V. Let us pray ...

R. Amen.
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NOTE: For the present liturgical year (2019-20), in the traditional Roman calendar, today's celebration of the Second Sunday of Advent is replaced by that of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with the former as an obligatory commemoration. In the reformed Roman calendar, the Second Sunday of Advent takes precedence, while the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is commemorated on the following day, but is not a Holyday of Obligation in the Dioceses of the USA. This being the case, Father Paul Scalia says you should go to Mass on both days anyway "because you really love God."
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