Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hey, kids, let's talk about what we don't wanna talk about!

The big story during "the coffee hour at St Blog's Parish" this week, has been the Diocese of Arlington's plans to implement a "Good Touch, Bad Touch" program for children in its educational programs, in an attempt to counter possible sexual abuse. One correspondent believed I was being unfair to the priest mentioned in the story. For the record, we have a lot of great priests in the Diocese of Arlington, and Father deLadurantaye is one of them. But I still maintain that, given the disparity of emotional/sexual development among pre- and early-adolescents, and the Church's emphasis on the parent's primary role when instructing children in matters of human sexuality, the diocese would be well-advised to focus on instructing the parents, who in turn should be the ones to instruct their children. A classroom program might be appropriate for juniors and seniors in high school, and even then in a single-sex environment.

Now, can we talk about something besides sex? Like the Chinese New Year coming up next week?

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