My son Paul is leaving for Atlanta on Monday. As this is written, he's running around loose, tying up loose ends. I got some furniture and other household items out of storage for him. Anything to keep the overhead to a minimum. He's making a list, he's checking it twice, and we're going over it this weekend.

Anyone who's a parent knows the feeling, the one when an adult child leaves the nest. Of course, he's lived on his own in the area for the last three years. But it's different this time. It also calls to mind a decision I had to make about thirty years ago, when I wasn't much older than him. I tell myself, hey, he's only going to live there for two or three years, until he completes his studies, and then ...
That's why I required him to listen to
a homily by Father Paul Scalia, pastor of St John the Beloved, McLean, Virginia. I told him there would be a quiz.
[PHOTO: Corpus Christi Preschool, Falls Church VA, November 1991. Subject left of center.].
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