Eventually, in May of 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal formally acknowledged the original 1898 declaration, and changed the date of celebration to the one they enjoy today. The fourth of July became "Philippine National Day," and the celebration of "Flag Day," previously on June 12, was moved to May 28.
Talk about playing "musical holidays!"
We obtained the above photo from our Very Close And Personal Friend Mikey Bustos. The initials "KKK" seen in the image has a different meaning in the United States than in the Philippines, where it stood for Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng̃ mg̃á Anak ng̃ Bayan, also known simply (and in one breath) as the Katipunan, the militant revolutionaries who began the fight for independence.
And speaking of our Pinoy Boy, we haven't seen him here in quite some time, but he makes his triumphant return today, with yet another tutorial on yet another unique Filipino delicacy: “Ang sarap on top, baby chick.”
So, to all our friends in the Land of Three Thousand Plus Islands, a happy and hearty
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