Sunday, July 29, 2012

Protocol and Plummage

An audience with the Holy Father requires a strict dress code, whether one is a prince or a pauper. There is even a dress code for so much as entering Vatican City. But when one is to meet His Holiness, this poses a special challenge for women.

Men must wear a dark suit with a tie, which is simple enough. Women must wear a black dress with the hem below the knee at about mid-calf, with sleeves covering the elbows, little in the way of a neckline, and a head covering, preferably a mantilla. In some cases, a national folk costume is acceptable. However, this news clip from Rome Reports (H/T to Big Pulpit) shows the exceptions to the rule. It is said that in the next decade, the number of Catholics below the equator will exceed the number from above. It appears that the Holy See is already forced to come to terms with a paradigm shift, in at least one area of cross-cultural understanding.

Meanwhile, it's fun to watch, don't you think?

Or don't you?

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