Lindsay Jennings will give a talk about a day in the life of a Carmelite nun. She was in the Carmel of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in Valparaiso, Nebraska, where she discerned her vocation from January 2006 until August 2010. Her talk will cover as much as possible in 30 minutes, and there will be a 15-20 minute question/answer session to follow. Learn about the Carmelite’s schedule, daily routine, and fun personal stories. You can write comments and questions under the video screen in preparation for the Q & A.
This is highly recommended, not only for young women who believe they might be called to the religious life, but for others of the faithful wanting to know more about the Carmelite way. So, tomorrow night at 7:00 Central USA time, be sure to log into Facebook, then direct yourself here for the webcast.
Tell them "man with black hat" sent you
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