Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“For all you [expletive] whiners out there ...”

Paul sent this out to the social messaging universe today, with the aforementioned title. Click on the image, and chart your own path.

It was the opening line of a 1918 poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The child is father to the man.” (It was also the title of the 1968 debut album by Blood Sweat & Tears, but that's another story.) Between my work and current outside activities, this is turning out to be a depressing week. In fact, I woke up with a one of those panic attacks again this morning, at the usual time of 3:30. (You really can set your watch by it. Just saying ...) Our relationship is a unique one relative to a father and son, which is one of the things a parent must learn to live with after a divorce. They never have you on a pedestal, even as children, and you aren't their buddy either.

And every now and then, he comes up with a thing like this. Meanwhile, we're also getting into an argument over the oil spill thing. We're pretty evenly matched in a debate, mostly because I taught him how. So I guess I'll be hearing from him soon enough about where he gets this stuff, so I can post a new one each week.


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