Saturday, August 14, 2010

Raised Right (But Not In Arizona)

In the years following the American War Between The States*, many Northern businessmen moved to the South, seeking either opportunity or exploitation, depending on whom you ask. They were identified by the carpetbags in which they carried their belongings. In the present day, the term “carpetbagger” has come to refer to one who moves to a state where he has little or no origins, to fulfill the minimum residency requirements, so as to run for political office.

Ben Quayle, son of the former Vice President Dan Quayle, is like a lot of young choirboy faces among conservative candidates lately, believing that talking a good game is going to make up for a history of extremely poor judgment, and being essentially an outsider to the state he would purport to represent. Ben initially denied, but later admitted to posting comments on a website devoted to Arizona's nightlife.

You would think that this chump would get an education fairly early in life, that aspirations to a political career do not always survive the stupid things we do in our youth.

Yes, liberal candidates get away with bad moral conduct and ethical malfeasance, continuing to be re-elected even as they are found out. To be a liberal, by its definition, is to be "liberated" from norms of behavior and principle, as opposed to being a conservative, one who by definition is dedicated to "conserving" them. Beyond the character assassinations, beyond even the issues, is the issue of character itself, to say nothing of possession of common sense. Run a true local candidate who is exactly who he or she pretends to be, and he or she will be unstoppable.

Or you can look for the next pretty face, in which case you may have just found him.

How's that worked out so far, by the way?

UPDATE: Well, at least he made up a list.

* Our official reference here at mwbh for what most people call the "Civil War," which was not really a civil war in the strict sense, as it did not involve two claimants to the same seat of power, but rather, part of a nation attempting to secede from said power.

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