Friday, April 23, 2010

FAMW: The Geezinslaw Brothers

Sammy Allred and Dewayne "Son" Smith are a country music comedy duo based in Austin, Texas. In nearly half a century, they have recorded a dozen albums, and four hit singles, the last of which is this gem from 1992 (which actually starts at 0:21). In 2005, The Austin Music Awards inducted them into its Hall of Fame.

They're a just-plain-country comedy team in the classic sense, complete with Sonny as the straight (and silent) man, and Sammy telling the same old jokes you heard as a kid. (The one he told on Ralph Emery's show about the ill-fitting suit -- man, I wish I had that on DVD, cuz I'd like to steal it myself.)

It's been a pretty busy week here at the Black Hat Corral, so we dug into the cavalcade of old favorites for this week's Friday Afternoon Moment of Whimsy.

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