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Chez Alexandre has been relatively uneventful. After serving Mass in the late morning and early afternoon, and stopping by the Diner for the customary repast, there was quite a bit of writing to do.
And, of course, the kids were out for trick-or-treating this year. Not too many for awhile. I'm not even sure when it starts. I could look it up on the County website and it will probably say "Whenever." In fact, I ended up chasing two little kiddies and their mommies down the street. I can't even GIVE this stuff away. Then later in the evening, a whole group from the neighborhood to the south descended on us. Not such a great year for my usual generosity.

On the other hand, Sal was enjoying the Halloween festivities at the retirement facility where she works as a private home health aide contractor. She loves to hang out with the old folks who think she's their Guardian Angel, and most important, she's always ready to have her picture taken. She has had some measure of success in learning the advanced editing features of the built-in digital camera on her Droid. Seems she couldn't wait to share the results with me.
Okay, Your Highness, you've made your point.
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