After all, if The New York Times says it, it must be true.
[A] young man hangs up his new Ph.D. in his boyhood bedroom, the cardboard box at his feet signaling his plans to move back home now that he’s officially overqualified for a job. In the doorway stand his parents, their expressions a mix of resignation, worry, annoyance and perplexity: how exactly did this happen?
It’s happening all over, in all sorts of families, not just young people moving back home ...
I considered this as Paul turned twenty-five years old today, at 5:17 in the afternoon. Earlier today I visited his grandparents. No, they hadn't heard from him yet. He had already given up competing in the Air Guitar Championships this year, for the opportunity of a lifetime. It wasn't long ago that he would brush opportunity aside. But about four or five years ago, something happened, something that would change him forever. It was an epiphany of sorts, as though going from "seeing through a glass darkly" to the clouds parting and the light coming down, to seeing the path all too clearly. And so, Paul continues his second year as an Interactive Media and Game Development major, at one of the finest art schools in the known universe, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).
I had urged him to call Grandma and Grandpa with the news he had, the news that was already shared with the entire "twittersphere" (if that's what it's called). I actually tried to call him while I was at the house, at a time that I should have known he'd be in class. He texted me back with the usual reproach, and the concession to unfinished business. He's gotten used to my impulsiveness, or at least I hope so. For his sake.

He probably tries not to remember the fourteen-year-old who didn't want to visit his Dad anymore. His mother would go along with the charade, in total violation of a custody agreement, the defense of which was a lost cause in an inept domestic court system. Through his escapades with drugs, alcohol, and stealing his mother's car, nobody cared what Dad thought about anything, only how Dad could bail them out. Mom had to find the attorney for the court hearing. It was only fair that the old man pay for it.
But that didn't happen. Sending a check the first of every month eventually became the only "right" a father would have. Still, that father waited for a seventeen-year-old boy to come to his senses, and call his Dad, hat in hand, from a rehab facility. That was when the son was ready to have a real father in his life again.
Jason Young considers the root causes of the alleged extension of adolescence in society, with an eye towards a remedy.
We all have opinions on this subject. Regardless, a lot of the Millennial Generation is adolescent minded people who need us to walk alongside them toward adulthood. I recently read this startling statement, “This kind (extended adolescence) of pattern is far more likely to bring down a civilization than to build a new one in its place. Civilizations require adults.”
Indeed. They also require the family, the building block of any civilization from time immemorial. Such a family consists of a mother and a father. Certain exceptions can be made when circumstances forbid such an arrangement, but it is precisely because they are exceptions, that a civilization can hold together. There is a point when a young man realizes this, as he endeavors to become the change he wants to see in the world.

Which brings me to that announcement I wish to hell he'd get on with.
“Make it so.”
1 comment:
congrats old man, May they be happy and bless you with grandchildren, you need many to love, (give and receive) I can see that in you. now you and Sal need to "get er done".
I know that step in your mid 20's, if my wife had known me in my late teens and early 20's she'd ran and never looked back, She has been a blessing from God and I pray that you receive the same in your life.
good to see you the other day, When I pulled in my drive I saw this blue box stop at the intersection and the first thing going through my mind was "what the hell is David doing out here, can't be", serendipity I guess
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