While the month of May is devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is October that is specifically devoted to the Rosary. 100% Katolikong Pinoy is inviting Catholics around the world to show off their own personal rosaries. Tamme Albert Daulo Ondevilla writes:
This is my Benedictine Rosary from Italy ... photo taken from totallycatholic.com. Hindi ko makunan ng malinaw ung sa'kin e (I cannot find mine) ... but this is how it looks like.
Meanwhile, at Chez Alexandre, we have a few in our own collection, each with a story to tell. That will happen later in the month. If we're in a good mood, we might even explore the origins and development of the Rosary, and the proper role of (ahem!) certain recent innovations.
Stay tuned, and stay in touch.
The silver chained ones look great, but also break on me. I carry one with wooden beads on a string.
I have neither the time nor the obligation, to dig through your magnum opus and determine the errors contained therein. Let this suffice to be said.
The true successor to Peter is the man once known as Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now known as Benedict XVI. It is to him that Christ gave the promise, the "keys to the kingdom." There are no false ecumenical councils, for the guidance of the Holy Spirit remains with our Mother the Church, through a living magisterium. She may be buffeted by the storms of discontent, both from without and within, but "the gates of hell shall not prevail" against Her. I have faith in that promise, as should anyone who claims to be Catholic, including yourself. The authority "to bind and to loose," the continuation of the ancient rabbinical authority, has been passed on to Her, just as the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the New.
This work of mine, this weblog, stands with Peter, as opposed to some bitter old contrarian with entirely too much time on his hands. Your appeals will not be heard in this forum. I implore you to repent, and accept your Mother with humility. May our Lady, the Seat of Wisdom, guide you to Her Son, and to allegiance with His Vicar.
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